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Adams, Martin R and Moss, Maurice O (2008) Food Microbiology Third Edition. E-Book.

Adele, Pillitteri Ebook-Maternal and Child Health Nursing- Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family , Sixth Edition. Wolters Kluwer.

Alan E., Cober Ebook - The Forgotten Society Lives Out of Sight in Nursing Homes, Prisons, and Mental Institutions. Alan E. Cober.

Amel Idowu, Olayinka Ebook - Management Principle in Nursing/Organization of Health Care. Distance Learning Center.

American, Psychiactric association Ebook - Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders _ DSM-5. American Psychiatric Association.

Amsale, Cherie and Ato, Gebrekidan Ebook - Nursing Leadership and Management - The Carter Center Andvancing. USAID.

Anne, Rogers and David, Pilgrim Ebook - A sociology of mental health and illness. McGraw- Hill Education.

Anne-Marie, Brady and Catherine, McCabe and Margaret, McCan Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing: A Systems Approach. Wiley Blackwell.

Anne-Marie, Brady and Catherine, McCabe and Margaret, McCann Ebook - Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing: A Systems Approach. Wiley Blackwell.


BELFORT, MICHAEL A. and SAADE, GEORGE and FOLEY, MICHAEL R. and PHELAN, JEFFREY P. and DILDY, GARY A. (2010) Critical Care Obstetrics. E-Book.

BRADY, ANNE and BRADY, MARIE and McCABE, CATHERINE and McCANN, MARGARET Ebook - Medical-Surgical Nursing: A Systems Approach. WILEY Blackwell.

Barbara, K. Blok and Dickson, S. Cheung and Timothy, F. Platts - Mills Ebook - FIRST AID for the EmERGENCY MEDICINE BOARDS. Mc Graw Hill Education.

Barbara, Sassen Ebook - Nursing: Health Education and Improving Patient Self-Management. Springer.

Barrett, Kim E. and Boitano,, Scott and Barman, Susan M. and Brooks, Heddwen L. (2010) Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology Twenty-Third Edition. E-Book.

Beginner, Guide ebook - essentials oils. national research.

Benjamin, J . Sandock and Virginia, J . Sandock and Pedro, Ruiz Ebook - Kaplan and Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. Wolters Kluwer.

Bennie, H. Jeng Ebook - Advances in Medical and Surgical Cornea From Diagnosis to Procedure. springer.

Bernard, Sheri Poe Ebook - Netters Atlas of Surgical Anatomy for CPT Coding. AMA.

Bessie, Marquis and Carol, Huston Ebook - Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing. Wolters Kluwer.

Betty R., Devnick Ebook - Devnick_Betty_MN_2010. BScN Laurentian University.

Beverly, Ann Tscheschlog and Amy, Jauch Ebook - Emergency Nursing Made Incredibly Easy. Wolters Kluwer.

Biswas, Gautam (2012) Review of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Second Edition. E-Book.

Botterill, George and Carruthers, Peter (1999) The Philosophy of Psychology. E-Book.

Bradley, John S. and Nelson, John D. Ebook - 2019 Nelson’s Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy 25th Edition. American Academy Of Pediatrics.

Brenda, L. Bonham Howe Ebook - The Gerontology Nurse's Guide to the Community-Based Health Network. Springer Publishing Company.

Bruno, Frank J. (2002) Psychology A Self-Teaching Guide. E-Book.

Burns, Elizabeth A. and Korn, Kenneth and Whyte IV, James and Thomas, James (2011) Oxford American Handbook ofClinical Examination and Practical Skills. E-Book.

bill, melinda ebook-Pengukuran Dampak dan Akuntabilitas dalam Situasi Darurat. Emergency Capacity Building Project.


CAROL, TAYLOR ebook - Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing. wolters kluwer.

Cambridge, Boxhill ebook - OET Nursing_ Official OET Practice. First edition.

Carrie, Sussman and Barbara, Bates-Jensen Ebook - Wound Care : A Collaborative Practice Manual for Health Professional. Wolters Kluwer.

Cavanaugh, John C. and Blanchard-Fields, Fredda (2010) Adult Development and Aging Sixth Edition. E-Book.

Charles, W. Wessner ebook - best practice in state. national research.

Cheryl Lynn, Wolveron Ebook - Staff Nurse'Of Manager Caring Behaviors Psychometric Testing Of The Caring Assessment Tool - Administration (CAT-ADMc). Indian university.

Claire, Boyd and Janet, Dare Ebook - Student Survival Skills : Communication Skills for Nurses. Wiley-Blackwell.

Cline, Foster and Fay, Jim Ebook - Parentig With Love And Logic : Teaching Children Responsibility. Navpress.

Cohort, Cohort Ebook - BSc Nursing (Mental Health) Skills Book. Development Of Practical Skills Handbook University Of Essex.

Cramer, Steven C. and Nudo, Randolph J. (2010) Brain Repair After Stroke. E-Book.


David, Sines and Mary, Saunders and Janice, Forbes-Burford Ebook - Community Health Care Nursing. Wiley-Blackwell.

Dayan, Nava (2017) Handbook of Formulating Dermal Applications A Definitive Practical Guide. E-Book.

Denise, M.Korniewicz Ebook - Nursing Leadership and Management The Advanced Practice Role. DEStech Publications, Inc..

Diane, L.huber Ebook - Leadership And Nursing Care Management. Evolve learning system.

Donna, J. Bowles Ebook - Gerontology Nursing Case Studies. Springer Publishing Company.

Dranof, Glenn (2011) Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy. E-Book.

Duke, James A. and Bogenschutz-Godwin, Mary Jo and duCellier, Judi and Duke, Peggy-Ann K. (2002) HANDBOOK OF Medicinal Herbs SECOND EDITION. E-Book.

Dunn, Dana S. and Halonen, Jane S. and Smith, Randolph A. (2008) Teaching Critical Thinking in Psychology. E-Book.


Elaine, Cole Ebook - Trauma Care ESSENTIAL CLINICAL SKILLS. Blackwell Publishing.

Elane, cole Ebook - trauma care initial assesment. bleckwell.

Eleanor, Vanetzian Ebook - Critical thinking : an interactive tool for learning medical-surgical nursing. F. A. Davis Company.

Elizabeth, Murray Ebook - Nursing Leadership and Management for Patient Safety and Quality Care. F.A Davis Company.

Ellison, Sheila and Gray, Judith (2005) 365 foods kids love to eat : nutritious and kid-tested. E-Book.

Elsevier, inc Ebook - ENA : EMERGENCY NURSING ORIENTATION. MC strategies.

ellis, quins Ebook - Nurse Practitioner’s Clinical Pocket Guide. DNP,ARNP.


Farrell, Maureen Ebook - Smelter and Bare’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. Wolters Kluwer.

Fuhrman, Bradeley P. and Zimmerman, Jerry J. and Clark, Robert S.B and Relvas, Monica and Rotta, Alexandre T. and Thompson, Ann E. and Tobias, Joseph D. E-Book : Fuhrman & Zimmerman's Pediatric Critical Care. Elsevier.


Gable, Judy (2018) Counselling Skills for Dietitians. Blackwell Publishing.

George Mateljan Foundation, George Mateljan Foundation (2010) Healthy Weight Loss — Without Dieting. E-Book.

Georgia, Avenue ebook - Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing. American Nurses Association.

Gibney, Michael J and Lanham-New, Susan A and Cassidy, Aedin and Vorster, Hester H (2009) Introduction to Human Nutrition Second Edition. E-Book.

Gloria, Leifer Ebook-Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing. Elsevier.

Goldstein, Larry B. (2009) A Primer on Stroke Prevention Treatment: An Overview Based on AHA/ASA Guidelines. E-Book.

Gropper, Sareen S. and Smith, Jack L. and Groff, James L. (2009) Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism Fifth Edition. E-Book.


Hall, John. E (2011) Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology. E-Book.

Healy, Alice F. and Proctor, Robert W. and Weiner, Irving B. (2003) HANDBOOK of PSYCHOLOGY. E-Book.

Helen, M. Sweet and Rona, Dougal Ebook - Community Nursing adn Primary Healthcare in Twentieth-Century Britain. Routledge.

Hockenberry, Marilyn and Wilson, David and Rodgers, Cheryl C. E-Book - Wong's Essentials Of Pediatric Nursing. Elsevier.

Hockenberry, Marilyn and Wilson, David and Rodgers, Cheryl C. Ebook - Wong's Pediatric Nursing. Elsevier.

Howard, M. Fillit and Kenneth, Rockwood and John, Young Ebook - Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology. Elsevier.


Ignatavicius, Workman Ebook - Clinical Companion : Medical-Surgical Nursing_ Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, 8e. Elsevier.

Irene, McEachen and Jim, Keogh Ebook - Nurse Management DeMYSTiFied A SELF-TEACHING GUIDE. Mc Graw Hill.


Jean, Morrissey and Patrick, Callaghan Ebook - Communication skills for mental health nurses. McGraw-Hill.

Jeffrey, B. Halter and Joseph, G. Ouslander and Stephanie, Studenski and Kevin, P. High and Sanjay, Asthana and Christine, S. Ritchie and Mark, A. Supiano Ebook - Hazzard's Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, Seventh Edition. Mc Graw Hill Education.

Jennifer, R. Buettner Ebook - Fast Facts for the ER NURSE Emergency Room Orientation in a Nutshell. PRINGER PUBLISHING COMPANY.

Jill, E. Winland-Brown and Lynne, M. Dunphy Ebook - Adult-Gerontolgy and Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Examination. F.A. Davis Company.

Jonathan, P. Wyatt and Robin, N. llingwaorth and Colin, A. Graham and Kerstin, Hogg Ebook - Oxford Handbook Of EMERGENCY MEDICINE. in the united states.

Jones, Rebecca A. Patronis (2007) Nursing Leadership and Management : Theories, Processes and Practice. E-Book.

Jose, Carlos and Santos, John and R., Cutcliffe Ebook - European Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing in the 21st Century. European Specialist Nurses Organisations.

Joyce, Fitzpatrick and Ann, Glasgow and Jane, Young Ebook - Managing Your Practice A Guide for Advanced Practice Nurses. Springer Publishing Company.

Joyce, Johnson ebook - Pediatric Nursing Demystified. Albany State.

Joyce, Y. Johnson Ebook-Maternal-newborn nursing demystified. Mc Graw Hill.

Judith, Ann-alender and Chronie, Rector and Kristine, Warner Ebook - community health nursing : promoting and protecting the public health. Wolters kluwer health.

June, Fabre Ebook - Smart Nursing_ How to Create a Positive Work Environment that Empowers and Retains Nurses (Springer Series on Nursing Management and Leadership). Springer Publishing Company.

June, Fabre Ebook - Smart Nursing_ Nurse Retention & Patient Safety Improvement Strategies, Second Edition (Springer Series_ Nursing Management and Leadership). Springer Publishing Company.

judit, appleton ebook-guidelines for public health promotion in emergencies. guidelins.


Kable, Ashley and Govind, Natalie Ebook - Medical-Surgical Nursing Critical Thinking for Person-Centred Care. PEARSON.

Kathy, J. Booker Ebook - Critical Care Nursing Monitorind and Treatment for Advanced Nursing Pracitice. WILEY Blackwell.

Katie, Evans and Debra, Nizette and Anthony, Oabrien Ebook - Psychiatric and mental health nursing. ELSEVIER.

Kayser, Fritz H. and Bienz, Kurt A and Eckert, Johannes and Zinkernagel, Rolf M. (2005) Medical Microbiology. E-Book.

Kieran, Murphy ebook - Interventional Neuroradiology. national research.

Kirpalani, Haresh and Epelman, Monica and Mernagh, John Richard (2011) Imaging of the Newborn Second Edition. E-Book.

Kristen, Mauk ebook - Gerontological Nursing. publishing company.

Kyle, Terri and Carman, Susan E-Book - Essentials Of Pediatric Nursing 2nd Edition. Wolters Kluwer Health.

keogh, james edward Ebook - Psychiatric and mental health nursing demystified. MC Grow Hill Education.


L. Lewis, Sharon and Dirksen, Shannon Ruff and McLean Heitkemper, Margaret and Bucher, Linda and M. Harding, Mariann Ebook - medical-Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. ELSEVIER.

Lewis, Dirksen and Heitkemper, Bucher Ebook - Mediacal Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. Elsvier.

Linda, J. Knodel Ebook - Nurse to Nurse Nursing Management. Mc Graw Hill.

Linda M., Gorman and Robynn, Anwar Ebook - Neeb's Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing.

Linda S., Williams and Paula D., Hopper Ebook - UNDERSTANDING Medical Surgical Nursing Fifth Edition. F. A. Davis Company.

Lippincott, Williams and Lippincott, Wilkins Ebook - Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice Pocket Guide : Medical-Surgical Nursing. Wolters Kluwer.

Lippincott, Williams and Lippincott, Wilkins Ebook - Lippincott's Review for Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification. Wolters Kluwer.

Lois, White and Gena, Duncan and Wendy, Baumle Ebook-Foundations of Maternal & Pediatric Nursing. Cengage Learning.

Louise, Rebraca shives Ebook - Basic concepts of psychiatric - mental health nursing, 8th edition. Lippincott William & Wilkins.

Lynda Diana, Olender Ebook - Nurse Manager Caring and Workplace Bullying in Nursing: the Relationship between Staff Nurses' Perceptions of Nurse Manager caring behaviors and Their Perception of Exposure to Workplace Bullying within Multiple Hearthcare Settings. Seton Hall University Dissertations and Theses.


Mahadevan, Swaminatha V. and Garmel, Gus M. (2005) An Introduction to Clinical Emergency Medicine. E-Book.

Margaret, jordan and Elizabeth, halter Ebook - varcarolis foundations of psychiatric-mental nursing : A clinical approach. New York Elsever 2006.

Maria, T. Codina Leik Ebook - Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Certification Intensive Review: Fast facts and Practice Questions. Springer Publishing Company.

Mariann, Harding and Julie S., Snyder and Barbara A., Preusser Ebook - Winningham's Critical Thinking Cases In Nursing Medical-Surgical, Pediatric, Maternity, and Psychiatric fifth edition. Elsevier.

Marie, Boltz and Elizabeth, Capezuti and Terry, Fulmer and Deanne, Zwicker Ebook - Evidece-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols For Best Practice. Springer Publishing Company.

Mary, DiGiulio and Donna, Jackson and Jim, Keogh Ebook - Medical-Surgical Nursing Demystified : a Self-Teaching Guide. McGraw Hill Companies.

Mary, Nies and Melanie, McEwen Ebook - Community/Public Health Nursing. Elsevier.

Mary c., Townsend Ebook - Psychiactric mental nursing concepts of care ih evindece- based. FA. Davis company.

Meadows-Oliver, Mikki E-Book : Pediatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! 2nd Edition. Wolters Kluwer Health.

Michael, Nash Ebook - Physical Health And Well-Being In Mental Health Nursing Clinical For Practice. Mc Grow Hill Education Open University Press, Second Edition.

Michael, Shannon and John, Redican Ebook - A Vision for Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing. Office of the Nursing & Midwifery Services Director.

Michal, Boyd and Paul, Carver and Elly, Dagley and Anna, King Ebook - Evaluation of a Gerontology Nurse Specialist in Primary Health Care. Waitemata PHO.

Michele, Angell ebook - Fast Facts for the Critical Care Nurse. publishing company.

Morewitz, Stephen J. (2006) Chronic Diseases and Health Care : New Trends in Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Fibromyalgia, Low Back Pain, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer. E-Book.

Munoz, Ricardo and O. Morell, Victor and M. da Cruz, Eduardo and G. Vetterly, Carol Ebook - Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts. springer.

maria, dyah ebook-keperawatan gadar dan menejemen bencana. pusdik SDM kesehatan.

marianne, culay and suzanne, M.Bruns ebook-essential critical care nursing. AACN.

mary, fran Ebook- guedelines for public promotion in emergencies. guidelins.


Neal-Boylan, Leslie (2011) Clinical Case Studies for the Family Nurse Practitioner. E-Book.


Palmer, Craig M. and D’Angelo, Robert and Paech, Michael J. (2011) Obstetric Anesthesia. E-Book.

Pamela, L. Swearingen Ebook - All-in-One Nursing Care Planning Resource Medical-Surgical, Pediatric, Maternity, and Psychiatric-Mental Health. ELSEVIER.

Papadakis, Maxine A. and McPhee, Stephen J. and Rabow, Michael W (2013) CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment Fifty Second Edition. E-Book.

Parija, Subhash Chandra (2012) Textbook of Microbiology and Immunology Second Edition. E-Book.

Peterson, Sarah (2015) Ketogenic Diet: 365 Days of Keto, Low-Carb. E-Book.

Potter, Perry Ebook - Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques 8th Edition. Elsevier.


Rebecca, Jones Ebook - Nursing Leadership and Management Theories, Processes, and Practice. Davis Plus.

Richard, Hook Ebook - Welsh Emergency Nurse Practitioner & Emergency Paramedic Practitioner Development Programme. Diploma in the Autonomous Management of Minor Injuries (Wales) QCF.

Richardson, Beth E-Book - Pediatric Primary Care : Practice Guidelines For Nurses 4th Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Robert, Crouch and Alan, Charters and Mary, Dawood and Paula, Bennett Ebook - OXFORD HANDBOOK OF EMERGENCY NURSING. in the united states.

Roberta, Durham and Linda, Chapman Ebook-Maternal-Newborn Nursing 2e- The Critical Components of Nursing Care. Davis Plus.

Rosalin, Ariefah Putri and Fara, Imelda and Jasmawati, Jasmawati and Lidia, Lushinta and Syamsiah, Syamsiah (2022) E-Modul Pemeriksaan Fisik Ibu Hamil (Head To Toe). Perpustakaan Poltekkes Kemenkes Kaltim.

Ruskin, Keith J . and Rosenbaum, Stanley H (2011) Anesthesia Emergencies. E-Book.

Ruth, Tappen and Sally, Weiss and Diane, Whitehead Ebook - Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management. Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management.


Samon, Smith Murray and Emily, Slone McKinney Ebook-Foundations of Maternal-Newborn and Women's Health Nursing. Elsevier.

Sandstrom, Sharon A and Bucher, Linda and Heitkemper, Margaret McLean and Harding, Mariann and Kwong, Jeffrey and Roberts, Dottie Ebook - Study Guide for Medical-Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. ELSEVIER.

Sarah, Kraszewski and Dr Abayomi, McEwen Ebook- Communication Skills for Adult Nurses. Open University Press.

Scanlon, Valerie C and Sanders, Tina (2007) Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology Fifth Edition. E-Book.

Schneider, Karen M. and Patrick, Stephen K. (2009) Obstetrics and Gynecology : PreTestTM Self-Assessment and Review Twelfth Edition. E-Book.

Schroder, S and Lee, S and Efferth, T and Motoo, Y (2013) Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine for Cancer Patients. E-Book.

Scobie, Ian N (2007) Atlas of DIABETES MELLITUS Third Edition. E-Book.

Scott, C. Sherman and Rahul, G. Patwari and Joseph, M. Weber and Michael, A. Schindlbeck Ebook- Clinical Emergency Medicine. Mc Graw Hill Education.

Sears, Al (2016) Healing Herbs of paradise. E-Book.

Sharon, Baranoski and Elizabeth, A Ayello Ebook - Woundcare Essentials. Wolters Kluwer.

Sharon, Lewis and Shannon, Dirksen and Margaret, Heitkemper and Linda, Bucher Ebook - Medical-Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. Elsevier.

Sheryl, Sommer ebook - RN ADULT MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING. publishing company.

Sheryl, Sommer and Janean, Johnson and Karin, Roberts and Sharon R., Redding and Lois, Churchill and Brenda, Ball and Norma, Henry and Peggy, Leehy and Pamela, Roland Ebook - RN Adult Medical Surgical Nursing Review Module Edition 9.0. ati Nursing Education.

Shirley, Bach and Aiec, Grant Ebook - communication & interpersonal skills for nurse. Learning matters.

Shirley, Bach and Alec, Grant Ebook- Communication and Interpersonal Skills for Nurses. Learning Matters.

Sue, Chilton and Heather, Bain Ebook- A Textbook of Community Nursing. Routledge.

Sue, Chilton and Patricia, Ladner Ebook - Fundamentals of Nursing Standards and Practice. Delmar.

Sue, delaune and Patricia, ledner Ebook - Fundamentals of nursing : standards and practice. Delmar Cengange Learning.

Sukhothai, Thammathirat Ebook - Leadership Development and Chage Management for Nurse Executive In ASEAN Countries. Fiscal budget.

Susan, L. Ward and Shelton, M. Hisley Ebook-Maternal-child nursing care : optimizing outcomes for mothers, children, and families. Davis Plus.

Susan, Mattson and Judy, E. Smith Ebook-Core Curriculum for Maternal-Newborn Nursing. Saunders Elsevier.

Susan, Ricci and Terri, Kyle Ebook-Maternity and Pediatric Nursing. Wolters Kluwer.

Susan, Scott Ricci Ebook-Essentials of Maternity, Newborn, and Womens Health Nursing , Second Edition by Susan Scott Ricci. Wolters Kluwer.

Susan C., deWit and Holly K., Stromberg and Carol, Dallred Ebook - Medical-Surgical Nursing Concepts Practice. Elsevier.

Susan C., deWit and Holly K., Stromberg and Carol, Dallred Medical-Surgical Nursing Concepts Practice. Elsevier.

suzanne, bruns AACN esential criticAL care nursing. AACN.

suzanne, brush Ebook-protocols for practice nonovasive monitoring. AACN.


TAYLOR, CAROL R. and LILLIS, CAROL and LeMONE, PRISCILLA and LYNN, PAMELA and LeBON, MARILEE (2011) Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care Sevent Edition. E-Book.

Tappero, Ellen P. and Honeyfield, Mary Ellen E-Book - Physical Assessment Of The Newborn : A Comprehensive Approach To The Art Of Physical Examination 6th Edition. Springer Publishing Company.

Tellone, Peter (2010) How To Take Great Photos With Whatever You Go. E-Book.

Theresa, Raphael-Grimm Ebook - The Art of Communication in Nursing and Health Care. Springer Publishing Company.

Theris, A. Touhy and Kathleen, F. Jett Ebook - Ebersole and Hess' Gerontological Nursing & Healthy Aging. Elsevier.

Tolomeo, Concettina E-Book - Nursing CareIn Pediatric Respiratory Disease. Wiley-Blackwell : A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication.

Tommy, Dickinson Ebook - Curing Queers Mental nurses and their patients, 1935-74. Manchester University Press Altrincham Street, Manchester M1 7JA.

Tortora, Gerard J. and Derrickson, Bryan (2009) PRINCIPLES OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Twelfth Edition. E-Book.

Trudy, Ward and Lorraine, Mulroney Ebook - Commissioning Comprehensive Children's Community Nursing Services. Commisioning Guidance.


Victoria, Mosack Ebook - Psychiatric Nursing Certification Review Guide For The Generalist And Advanced Practice Psychiatric And Mental Health Nurse, Third Edition. Jones And Bartlett Publishers.

Virginia, Burggraf and Kye, Y. Kim and Aubrey, L. Knight Ebook - Healthy Aging: Principles and Clinical Practice for Clinicians. Lippincott Williams& Wilkins.



WHO, WHO (2012) Guideline: Daily iron and folic acid supplementation in pregnant women. E-Book.

WHO, WHO (2013) A global brief on Hypertension : Silent killer, global public health crisis. E-Book.


Welbury, Richard and Duggal, Monty (2005) PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Third Edition. E-Book.

White, Lois and Duncan, Gena and Baumle, Wendy Ebook - Medical Surgical Nursing An Integrated Approach. DELMAR CENGAGE Learning.

Willy, Blackwell Ebook - Mental Health Nursing at a Glance. Set in 9.5/11.5pt Minion by SPi Publisher Services, Pondicherry, India.

This list was generated on Sun Feb 9 03:52:32 2025 WITA.